Just another remote developer
GitHub Copilot
Nå har jeg fått prøvd Copilot litt i dag. Og jeg er ganske imponert. Jeg tror dette har potensiale til å revlusjonere utvikling. For å hoppe rett til en konklusjon, så må du forstå språket du skal skrive kode i. Du må også ha en god forståelse av hvordan koden blir kjørt, hva som er lurt, best practices osv. Men, du kommer til å skrive kode fortere... Mye fortere. Copilot kan også hjelpe deg litt på vei på problemer du vil løse, og det å skrive funksjoner som konverterer verdier er nå mye lettere 😁
04 Nov 2021
Veien hit
Jeg tror ikke på skjebnen, men jeg tror vi er litt vår egen lykkes smed. Men selvfølgelig så synes jeg det er gøy å se på veien som har ført en ett sted. Det er særlig en ting jeg tenker på som kanskje har formet livet mitt på en litt uventet måte 🤷♂️
17 Oct 2021
My first lecture 👨🏫
A completely new experience for me. Around 3 weeks ago, a colleague asked me if I had the opportunity to hold a course for some students, and have a lecture in something cool. I said yes before I got the time to really think about it. I’ve wanted to something like this for a while, but I feel like it’s not that sort of opportunity that comes around too often. The lecture were scheduled for 14th of October 🙈
15 Oct 2021
Long time no see...
It's been a while... I don't want to have it be so close to a year in between posts, but it is what it is. Soooo, let me give you the recap of the last 10 months 🤷♂️
13 Oct 2021
A 2020 appreciation post?!
Yes, I'll be doing this. I'll be the n-th person to write a little recap of 2020. 2020 has been an interesting year 🤨 on a big scale it was a pretty bad year, but for me personally it has been pretty great honestly. So I just want to take a few moments to appreciate what I have, and why 2020 wasn't so bad for me personally 🙃
22 Dec 2020
I got a new job 🎉
It's with a heavy heart I tell you that I'm leaving EcoOnline. I've been working there for 3 years in total. They picked me up while I was still in college, and they gave me an amazing mentor named Remi Nyborg. He learned me pretty much everything I know, and learned me how to think pragmatically. EcoOnline have provided me with a stable platform to learn, and they have been an amazing group to work with. They have provided me with a lot trust and freedom. But life goes on!
02 Jul 2020
Stay active people
During the day I write code. During the evenings and nights I do renovation work at home, I play golf and I do mountain biking 🚵♀️
27 May 2020
Back at the office
Hey! I'm back at my office 😁 I did not want to write anything about Covid but it's too big to not make its way into Alain's every part of your life... this is not a post about the pandemic, but more about what things I'm taking with me when we slowly return back to normal.
11 May 2020
Flutter 1 year later
About a year ago I wrote an article Flutter I don't hate it, and now after a year I would like to revisit that article.
23 Feb 2020
Remote worker part 2
Last september had a pretty big change to how I work. I moved to Oppdal, but I kept my job in Tønsberg. Tønsberg is a 7hour train ride away and there is not too many trains that are conveinent for that travel, a couple of trains a day. There are more trains, but then you'll be looking at 12+hours 😅 What I'm trying to say is I'm pretty remote for the main office.
19 Feb 2020
remote work
This website is written in Swift
“Yeah right” you might think, I can click cmd + alt + i and see that this is just a bunch of HTML files. And yes you are right. This site consists of several HTML files and css (no Javascript!). And to write this website I used.... Xcode.💁♂️
13 Feb 2020
Guess the hex
A couple of days ago, I stumbled over this tweet, and I could not stop thinking about it. Soooooo, during lunch today I started to mock it up using Flutter 💙
16 Dec 2019
UI Testing
Previously I posted about my 2.0 update, and today I plan on updating to 2.0.3. I’m still a lone-wolf app developer in my company, and I have now taken the task to push updates every 2 to 3 weeks. These updates can be anything from features to patches and bug squashing.
06 Nov 2019
EcoOnline mobile apps 2.0
In the end of april in 2018, I published this article Building Eco Archive, a chemical safety app, with Expo
15 Oct 2019
Platform.isIOS is your friend
Very recently I’ve started to port a existing react native application to Flutter. It’s going really good and I’m very happy with the progress so far.
08 Jun 2019
WWDC — 2019
Now we are a couple of days into DUB DUB (WWDC) — 2019. And one thing got me really exited (Like, I screamed «YEEES!» at the TV), and this on thing was not the Cheese grater Mac Pro, nor the new display; but it was SwiftUI.
05 Jun 2019
I want Flutter to help my colleagues
Once again it’s been a while. Since my last post, I’ve worked a lot with Flutter and Dart. And I still really enjoy it. Since last time, I’ve joined the Flutter community on Discord and Reddit, and this community is amazing. It is filled with amazing talented people, that like to help others when they are stuck on something. Even I have helped some people along the way, and I have learned so much from trying to solve other peoples problems.
25 Mar 2019
Flutter — I don’t hate it
In cross-platform mobile development, we have a couple of alternatives now. My main experience is with React Native, but over the last 4–5 days, I’ve accumulated 17 hours of experience with Flutter (According to Toggl). My inspiration to look more into this technology came from researching Material design, and reading this Medium post.
29 Jan 2019
First impressions of TypeScript (Honeymoon period)
I’ve been meaning to try TypeScript for awhile now, but I’ve never gotten the opportunity until now. I got some time to work some more on the mobile application I made during my degree.
21 Jan 2019
First impressions of developing with Swift
I’m late to the game, I’ve been looking at Swift from a distance, lurking over at /r/swift watching the evolution of the language and the community. This autumn I decided I’d want to learn more of this language, in my previous post I went a bit into why.
06 Nov 2018
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